
marzo 11, 2019

The most outstanding in distributors.

Bringing a product to have a global market is an extremely complicated task, considering all the logistics, branding and sales work that leads to meet an objective of this type. That is why the essential part in the expansion strategies of Q-Pumps is its chain of distributors, always seeking to maintain a close and efficient relationship with each one of them.

To recognize those distributors who were especially prominent during the first 20 years of Q-Pumps, a special recognition and access to the so-called Q-Club was made. This club seeks having those distributors with the highest sales index, who work with different applications and who actively participate in the recognition of the teams in their respective sales areas.

By being part of this club, interviews are held where the most important points of the future are expressed in the industry according to the members. Same that are considered for strategic business and engineering plans for the company in the future, additionally members have exclusive benefits such as:

• Interviews and advertising in the Q-Pumps digital magazine:

An interview with one of the Q-Club member distributors is included in each issue of the magazine. In this interview we share their advice for success in the market and their work methodology to be effective in closing a large volume of sales.
Similarly, they are given a free advertising space for ads to their respective companies. This benefit is considered very important, since this magazine reaches all our distributors and a large number of end users worldwide.

• Pre-access to new Q-Pumps equipment:

By being a member of the club, you have an exclusive advancement to the new Q-

Pumps teams, by having it you will have the possibility of developing strategies for the commercialization of the products before the competition. In the same way you can schedule in advance the training on these new equipment at the Q-Pumps plant.

• Custom audio-visual material:

At Q-Pumps we are constantly developing videos and presentations that serve as support when presenting a project to a final user. The members belonging to the Q-club will have the possibility of having this material personalized to the design line they have as a company. Including data such as your logo, contact and colors within the videos.